Welcome, Welcome, Welcome...
[wlm_firstname] you are a part of the BRAND NEW Marketing Plan Formula experience. I am so excited to have you here and see how your business is going to transform in the next 12 months.
Your membership journey begins now!
You have taken the very first steps to...
- Stop the frustration of squirrel syndrome. Continually chasing opportunity after opportunity, and wasting your time, your money, your opportunities with little results.
- Joining the elite ranks of business owners who know how to make it rain. You have the tools to make it rain at will.
- Enjoy the confidence of knowing how to use marketing and sales to grow your business - like a machine. Not just your current business, but any business you have in the future too.
Now, there is a few things that are important for you to note right now. The rest will come in due time.
I'm also going to send this information via email so you can save it. Make sure you look for an email with the subject line
"Congrats - You are now a part of Marketing Plan Formula"
First, make sure you get my email & text
I don't want all this great info ending up in your spam or promotions folder. Be sure to add this email address to your whitelist.
Also, like most entrepreneurs, I rely on text quite a bit. I'm going to use text as primary communication tool so I hope you're good with this.
You don't have to do anything, just make sure you watch for my text.
Next, save the email
This is your personal login information for the MPF course. It is your virtual keys to the castle.
Your Marketing Plan Formula login details:
U: [wlm_username]
P: [wlm_autogen_password]
**** For security we only email your password to you.
Login URL:
If you need help or support, contact support@marketingplanformula.com or text me at +1 (970) 341-2225.
Now, mark your calendar
A big part of your investment is in the group coaching cohorts. These are limited to 10 people and is your chance to get live, individual help building out your personal Marketing Plan.
Just click on the link below and add to your calender. You DO NOT want to miss any of these.
Every Thursday @ 11:00 am MST
Your Marketing Plan Formula experience starts --> NOW
This isn't your ordinary online course.
You and I are going transform your business massively. This isn't just another shiny object, or squirrel for you. I'm going to be with you every step of the way.
You have access to Modules 0 and 1 today.
Each subsequent module will be released every 2 weeks.
I do this because it is VERY important you complete the steps in order.
You can't jump ahead.
Like a puzzle, each piece has to work with the specific next piece.
Make sense?
I want to explain further so I made you this video -->
That is it for today.
I'm very excited. I know, with 100% certainty, that you and I can create the business of your dreams together.
P.S. Thank you for letting me be a part of your success. That means a great deal to me and it is an honor for me.
I'm grateful for you.