Step 3: Call Preparation
Important information for you call:
We are excited you've booked a demo to discuss your marketing career and how you can implement our systems to gain greater influence and decision-making power within an organization, including the ability to shape the direction and vision of a company..
Your call is scheduled for 45 minutes, but please allow for 60 as we often get into some really good gold and don't want to have to cut it off.
Please make sure you have the calendar invite.
- Due to the popularity of these calls we are holding a valuable spot for you. Please HONOR this time. We are talking about your future so please be prepared.
- When it is time for your call please make sure you are in a quiet place with something to take notes with. Be present. Come to the discussion with your future in mind.
Our goal is to help create the career you dream of.
Also, if you submitted your call booking using an email address different than Email and want to change it, please reply to our confirmation message and we will update it for you.
We really look forward to talking with you.
You can let us know if you have any questions or ideas by simply responding to our email. We’d love to hear from you.
Your Homework Assignment for you call:
Please watch the following short videos. They will explain the process and thinking that the Marketing Plan Formula does differently than anything you've ever seen:
Part 1 - Introduction & Overview
Part 5 - How to Maximize Your ROI
Part 2 - Background & the Big Problem with Marketing
Part 4 - Master Marketing Equation
Part 3 - The Most Valuable Questions
Part 6 - Bonus Strategies