Fractional CMO Services
The Ultimate Growth Leverage For Small Business

The Game-Changer Your Business Growth:
Fractional Chief Marketing Officer Services Built Upon
Our Exclusive Marketing Plan Formula
Top-Tier CMO Expertise Without the Hefty Price Tag

what you need

Your Business Is Too Important To Gamble Without Fractional CMO Services

As a small business founder, you've poured your heart, soul, and every available resource into your dream. You cannot afford to gamble your future success.

With everything on the line, you need to ensure your marketing strategy is as efficient, effective, and powerful as possible.

Built upon 35 years of our own business success, and working with close to 1000 founders across every industry, our Fractional CMO Services featuring the exclusive Marketing Plan Formula is the proven framework to drive your growth.

Dear entrepreneur,

You want a simple, manageable, and predictable solution to getting new clients and growing your business. The problem is you have limited resources

  • Limited money, 
  • limited time,
  • and limited patience to see success.

I’m going to show you how you can confidently grow and scale your business with a predictable system using fractional CMO services.

  • Even if you don’t understand marketing
  • Even if you have tried hiring marketing agencies and other ‘pros’ who promise the world and yet constantly disappoint (I’m going to explain why the failure rate is 90% next).
  • Even if you’ve tried different marketing strategies and channels and little has ever worked for your unique business.

I get it. I have walked 1,000 miles in those same shoes.

See if I’m right here…

You're frustrated because you know and believe you have the best product or service for your customers, only you just don’t know how to get the word out.

Every time you turn around there is a new marketing channel, a new social network, a new opportunity to promote your business.

But you have no way of knowing which channels you SHOULD be using and which you SHOULD NOT be using.

And, you're worried because marketing is damned expensive. Not just in money, but in time, effort, and resources.

You can't afford a full-time Chief Marketing Officer.

You can’t afford to waste these precious resources on another gamble.

And, you can't afford NOT to use marketing.

What you CAN afford is to leverage Fractional CMO Services.

Plus, you need to focus on the rest of your business. Creating new products, fulfillment, management and staffing.

You can’t spend all your time writing blog posts and doing pointless social media.


Now, let’s solve this for you.

We Own Results

The Fractional Chief Marketing Officer role is one of responsibility. You are depending on us to be able to deliver the results you need to grow.

Long Term Success

Everything we build is with the long-term in mind. Your Vision dictates the ultimate goal, and  everything that gets us closer needs to be repeatable and scalable.


As entrepreneurs ourselves, we understand the idea of an ownership mentality. Every action, every investment as your fractional CMO is carefully considered and weighed before decided upon.

Fractional CMO: Build a long-term marketing solution for growth

Our Fractional CMOs employ the Marketing Plan Formula. A proven framework for delivering results. No more guessing. Using a data-driven framework that is born out of your unique business, we work together as partners to bring your vision to life.

Marketing Strategy & Planning

This is all about setting the direction for the marketing efforts, including strategic planning, defining marketing priorities, competitive analysis, market research, and owning the marketing tech stack. It also includes identifying new markets, business opportunities, and Total Addressable Market (TAM) and Sellable Addressable Market (SAM).

Leadership & Team Management

This involves the overall management of the marketing department, building, coaching, and leading the team, overseeing other directors, and reporting directly to the CEO. It includes mentoring staff, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration, and working closely with senior-level teams and other company divisions.

Branding & Communication

This includes developing and implementing brand strategy across all channels, managing corporate communications, overseeing PR, ensuring consistent communication, and serving as a company spokesperson. This also includes content development, creating compelling customer journeys and web experiences, and overseeing development and distribution of thought leadership.

Demand Generation & Sales Support

This involves building a marketing engine that drives customer acquisition, pipeline building, and revenue growth. It includes overseeing all aspects of marketing, preparing and implementing sales plans, optimizing customer acquisition through marketing tactics, developing and managing sales tools, and contributing to overall corporate strategy.

Budget & Resource Management

This involves overseeing the marketing budget, allocating resources for maximum ROI, and managing relationships with external partners and agencies. It also includes pricing strategy, managing the marketing P&L, and maximizing account profitability.

Our Proprietary Marketing Plan Formula

The repeatable, scalable, and profitable solution for your business growth. Our Certified Fractional CMOs are fully trained and supported to execute your unique Marketing Plan Formula.


Define Your vision & objectives

You have the vision. As your Chief Marketing Officer we will help you define and get that incredible opportunity out of your head and onto paper so that we, and the rest of the world, can help you make it a reality.

Not just the near-term, but starting with your exit strategy, we work backwards to reverse engineer the marketing plan to fulfill your vision.


Profit & growth drive analysis

Once the business you want to build is clear, we dive deep into the profit drivers for your business. Marketing is expensive, so as we invest precious resources, we ensure that the results are the most profitable outcomes possible.

Using our proprietary Master Marketing Equation and research methodology, you will know exactly the right message to show your most profitable customer, using the most efficient and effective channels.


deep, real research into your ideal customer

We don't guess. We don't rely on language learning models (ChatGTP, etc). We do the actual hard work.

We talk with your customers and learn exactly what they need to hear in order to buy.

Our research and analysis has your customer saying, "It is like you're reading my mind".


Execute & Test To KPI

Once your marketing blueprint is drafted, we test. Having run our own multi-million dollar campaigns, we know how to get to what works, without spending a fortune.

Once the campaigns are proven profitable, then we scale.


measure for success

The final step in your long-term success is developing the metrics and KPIs unique to your business and marketing plan. These are your dashboard as CEO that keep the entire machine running smoothly and profitable.

Simple metrics that show how everything is working and highlights if and where the process is broken.

99% of marketing problems are solved by knowing your numbers.


rinse, repeat, and then scale

Marketing is systematic and boring. You do not have to recreate the wheel every time you introduce a new product or service.

You can leverage our decades of experience to create a world-class marketing department that delivers results.

why we do it

We’ve been there

We believe that the entrepreneur is the heart and soul of the world. Without you, without us, we would still be living in caves. 

Everything of value in our lives is because some crazy entrepreneur had an idea, put everything on the line to make it a reality, and brought it to life. 

When you succeed in bringing your products and services to the world, with a proven marketing strategy, it raises the standard of living for everyone. 

This is the most selfish act we can do. 

This is why our Fractional CMOs are dedicated to your success.

This is our mission.

Gain The Certainty Of Success

As a business owner, partnering with our Fractional CMO Services means gaining a sense of certainty. It's the comforting assurance that your marketing strategy is not based on guesswork or hopeful experimentation, but on a proven, time-tested formula that has consistently brought success to founders from every industry.

You'll gain the confidence that each step you take is not a blind leap into the unknown, but a measured stride along a well-mapped path to growth.

The Marketing Plan Formula is the key to predictable, sustainable marketing success. 

Let's Get Your marketing strategy profitable With A Chief Marketing Officer - Let's Talk

Ready to streamline your marketing strategy and processes to get the highest ROI on the least amount of spend? Schedule a call and let's explore your opportunities.


Client Success Stories

Russell Lundstrom is an incredible resource and source of knowledge for business marketing.

He has an incredible ability to explain key concepts and techniques that make them easier to understand and execute. After learning from him this past year, we have completely revamped our website content, and have renewed confidence in our marketing strategy.

Christopher Smith

I learned all of the tools needed to begin thinking through and executing on these basic tactics with guidance and support.

Before working with Russell, I had very limited knowledge in an integrated strategy and approach for sales and marketing. I came to the table with a creative mindset, but lacked the tools and knowledge behind initiatives such as landing pages, inbound lead generation and the fundamentals of good copywriting (specifically headlines).
During my time with Russell, I learned all of the tools needed to begin thinking through and executing on these basic tactics with guidance and support. This broadened my perspective into the fundamental skills needed to bring on a team member responsible for these initiatives. I would have made a HUGE mistake in hiring for either a sales or marketing position before having a basic understanding of marketing, or sales process in place to set this team member up for success.
Now, when I'm ready to eventually take a step back, I will know exactly how to give direction to an Account Executive with a thorough and well formulated process for outbound lead generation and relationship building.
Taryn Covrigaru

Working with Russell really helped us

[Before working with Russell] We fumbled around and did the best we could. I learned we needed a system, a way to think about what our clients need and how to market to those needs, and now we have clarity around the direction to focus our efforts.

We don't have an endless marketing budget so we had to pick a lane. Working with Russell really helped us do that.

Maci O'Grady

The most is being more strategic in how I make money and how much I charge.

[After working with Russell] now I have a really good strategy for it [marketing]. I am really focused on it and I know what to do. The most is being more strategic in how I make money and how much I charge.

Ryan Avery

I would highly recommend Russell to any new or seasoned entrepreneurs alike...

Russell has been a mentor of mine for a few years now.

He has a wealth of entrepreneurial knowledge and personal experience that has helped me to grow immensely over these last two years.

We have been formally working together for the past two years, but I have known Russell for about six years now. He has always been a great resource, connector, and person.

Russell has helped guide me through a few challenges as my company has grown, most recently he helped me navigate a potential merger I was exploring.

Justin Moss

He’s one of the most dedicated professionals I’ve ever worked with. The guy doesn’t back down until he achieves results...

I’ve had the privilege of knowing Russell for the past 6 years. I’ve worked with him on a variety of projects during that time. He’s one of the most dedicated professionals I’ve ever worked with.

The guy doesn’t back down until he achieves results. From dealing with Google penalties to creating complex sales funnels, Russell not only covers every detail from start to finish but he does so in such a delicate way with an emphasis on the user experience (rare to find).

Russell is a professional who has all his ducks in order. His in depth knowledge makes him a great asset in the field of deep dive surveys, advanced sales funnels, and conversion optimization.

Matt Fields

Opened my eyes to the power of new and alternative marketing methodologies that I wasn’t aware of prior....

approach to business?

Methodical, dedicated, and with deep conviction.

I recommend other entrepreneurs contact Russell if they could use help – especially those with Internet businesses or broader businesses that design out of the box thinking about marketing, demographics, and strategies.

David Hieb

I would totally recommend Russell if you're looking for help with your business...

I have known Russell for about 5 years. In that time I have had the pleasure of working with him -- he has helped me to hone down my audience and who are my ideal customers.

It was a great experience. Russel is committed to the outcomes and very knowledgeable about all areas of business which is so helpful when trying to see the big picture.

Russell is super sharp, attentive, and easy going. In addition to shoring up the fundamentals, Russell is looking to push into new areas and go where the puck is going... not where it has been. I would totally recommend Russell if you're looking for help with your business.

Marc Gutman

I could cut my time and energy investment by more than 90% to achieve the same results...

As I launch my second company, I met with Russell to get help with marketing.

I had what I thought was a tight marketing plan that I planned to execute over the coming four months.

But within my first one hour meeting with Russell, he helped me to see that I could cut my time and energy investment by more than 90% to achieve the same results by simply approaching my marketing challenge more intelligently (which included thinking differently about my digital and conversion strategy).

Charles Causey

Not only do I consider Russell a mentor, I consider him a true friend and I take his advice very seriously...

Russell has been an incredible mentor to me the past few years. He has given me amazing advice and guidance from the inception of my company to navigating through growth and expansion in the CPG industry. At each stage of my business, Russell has made helpful introductions and connections, from logistics and packaging to online marketers to financing solutions or whatever the current need, he always provides great resources.

Russell has helped me tremendously by way of introductions to great contacts for my business. For example, Russell introduced me to someone to spearhead Amazon sales for a product, and the introduction was a great fit at the right time and it led to a large increase in sales on Amazon and knowledge of how to work that channel. Russell continues to be successful at connecting me to the right people at each stage of my business.

One of our core values at my company is that we only work with nice people. Not only do I consider Russell a mentor, I consider him a true friend and I take his advice very seriously. I'm grateful to know him and would most definitely recommend him to other entrepreneurs!

Melonie DeRose

I avoided making a huge mistake that could've haunted me for the rest of my life...

I'm Tjark Hartmann and I was about to give up my business because I thought my market was broke.

Thankfully, I told Russell about this and he showed me that my market wasn't the problem at all.

Now I know that all the time, money, and effort I put into my business wasn't just a "learning experience". It was never doomed to fail. In fact, it can turn into something great.

I have hope again. I'm excited for the future. And, best of all, I avoided making a huge mistake that could've haunted me for the rest of my life.

Tjark Hartmann

You are really helping a ton...

"Hey man... Jut wanted to let you know that I am getting a TON of value out of your mentorship for our group. [...] you are really helping a ton."


Let's Talk

Ready to streamline your marketing processes to get the highest ROI on the least amount of spend? Schedule a call and let's explore your opportunities.
